Automate the rotation of a secret for resources that have two sets of authentication credentials

Here's the rotation solution described in this tutorial:

In this solution, Azure Key Vault stores storage account individual access keys as versions of the same secret, alternating between the primary and secondary key in subsequent versions. When one access key is stored in the latest version of the secret, the alternate key is regenerated and added to Key Vault as the new latest version of the secret. The solution provides the application's entire rotation cycle to refresh to the newest regenerated key.

  1. Thirty days before the expiration date of a secret, Key Vault publishes the near expiry event to Event Grid.

  2. Event Grid checks the event subscriptions and uses HTTP POST to call the function app endpoint that's subscribed to the event.

  3. The function app identifies the alternate key (not the latest one) and calls the storage account to regenerate it.

  4. The function app adds the new regenerated key to Azure Key Vault as the new version of the secret.


  • An Azure subscription. Create one for free.

  • Azure Cloud Shell. This tutorial is using portal Cloud Shell with PowerShell env

  • Azure Key Vault.

  • Two Azure storage accounts.

Change and deploy

			 "description":"Prefix for resource names."
	   "storageaccountid":"[concat(resourceGroup().id,'/providers/','Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/', parameters('ResourceNamePrefix'),'strg')]"
		"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
		"apiVersion": "2019-06-01",
		"name": "[concat(parameters('ResourceNamePrefix'),'storage')]",
		"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
		"sku": {
			"name": "Standard_LRS",
			"tier": "Standard"
		"kind": "Storage"
		"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
		"apiVersion": "2019-06-01",
		"name": "[concat(parameters('ResourceNamePrefix'),'storage2')]",
		"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
		"sku": {
			"name": "Standard_LRS",
			"tier": "Standard"
		"kind": "Storage"

You'll now have a key vault and two storage accounts. You can verify this setup in the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell by running this command:

az resource list -o table -g vaultrotation

The result will look something like this output:


Name                     ResourceGroup         Location    Type                               Status
-----------------------  --------------------  ----------  ---------------------------------  --------
vaultrotation-kv         vaultrotation      westus      Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
vaultrotationstorage     vaultrotation      westus      Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
vaultrotationstorage2    vaultrotation      westus      Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts

Create and deploy the key rotation function

Next, you'll create a function app with a system-managed identity, in addition to other required components. You'll also deploy the rotation function for the storage account keys.

The function app rotation function requires the following components and configuration:

  • An Azure App Service plan

  • A storage account to manage function app triggers

  • An access policy to access secrets in Key Vault

  • The Storage Account Key Operator Service role assigned to the function app so it can access storage account access keys

  • A key rotation function with an event trigger and an HTTP trigger (on-demand rotation)

  • An Event Grid event subscription for the SecretNearExpiry event

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "storageAccountRG": {
            "defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().name]",
            "type": "String",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the resource group where storage account has deployed."
        "storageAccountName": {
            "defaultValue": "[concat(resourceGroup().name, 'storage')]",
            "type": "String",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the existing storage account with access keys to rotate."
        "keyVaultRG": {
            "defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().name]",
            "type": "String",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the resource group where key vault has deployed."
        "keyVaultName": {
            "defaultValue": "[concat(resourceGroup().name, '-kv')]",
            "type": "String",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the existing key vault where secrets are stored."
        "appServicePlanType": {
			"type": "string",
			"allowedValues": [
                "Consumption Plan",
                "Premium Plan"
			"defaultValue": "Consumption Plan",
			"metadata": {
			"description": "The type of App Service hosting plan. Premium must be used to access key vaults behind firewall."
        "functionAppName": {
            "defaultValue": "[concat(resourceGroup().name, '-storagekey-rotation-fnapp')]",
            "type": "String",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the function app that you wish to create."
        "secretName": {
            "defaultValue": "storageKey",
            "type": "String",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the secret where storage account keys are stored."
        "repoURL": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "String",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The URL for the GitHub repository that contains the project to deploy."
    "variables": {
        "functionStorageAccountName": "[concat(uniquestring(parameters('functionAppName')), 'fnappstrg')]",
        "eventSubscriptionName": "[concat(parameters('functionAppName'),'-',parameters('secretName'))]",
        "appServiceSKU":"[if(equals(parameters('appServicePlanType'),'Consumption Plan'),'Y1','P1V2')]"
    "resources": [
            "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
            "apiVersion": "2019-06-01",
            "name": "[variables('functionStorageAccountName')]",
            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
            "sku": {
                "name": "Standard_LRS",
                "tier": "Standard"
            "kind": "Storage"
            "type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms",
            "apiVersion": "2018-02-01",
            "name": "[concat(resourceGroup().name, '-rotation-fnapp-plan')]",
            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
            "sku": {
                "name": "[variables('appServiceSKU')]"
            "properties": {
                "name": "[concat(resourceGroup().name, '-rotation-fnapp-plan')]"
            "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
            "apiVersion": "2018-11-01",
            "name": "[parameters('functionAppName')]",
            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
            "dependsOn": [
                "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms', concat(resourceGroup().name, '-rotation-fnapp-plan'))]",
                "[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('functionStorageAccountName'))]"
            "kind": "functionapp",
            "identity": {
                "type": "SystemAssigned"
            "properties": {
                "enabled": true,
                "serverFarmId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms',concat(resourceGroup().name, '-rotation-fnapp-plan'))]",
                "siteConfig": {
                    "appSettings": [
                            "name": "AzureWebJobsStorage",
                            "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=', variables('functionStorageAccountName'), ';AccountKey=', listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('functionStorageAccountName')), '2019-06-01').keys[0].value)]"
                            "name": "FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION",
                            "value": "~3"
                            "name": "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME",
                            "value": "powershell"
                            "name": "WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING",
                            "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=', variables('functionStorageAccountName'), ';EndpointSuffix=', environment(), ';AccountKey=',listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('functionStorageAccountName')), '2019-06-01').keys[0].value)]"
                            "name": "WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE",
                            "value": "[toLower(parameters('functionAppName'))]"
                            "name": "WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION",
                            "value": "~10"
                            "name": "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY",
                            "value": "[reference(resourceId('microsoft.insights/components', parameters('functionAppName')), '2018-05-01-preview').InstrumentationKey]"
            "resources": [
                    "type": "sourcecontrols",
                    "apiVersion": "2018-11-01",
                    "name": "web",
                    "dependsOn": [
                        "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites', parameters('functionAppName'))]"
                    "properties": {
                        "RepoUrl": "[parameters('repoURL')]",
                        "branch": "main",
                        "IsManualIntegration": true
            "type": "microsoft.insights/components",
            "apiVersion": "2018-05-01-preview",
            "name": "[parameters('functionAppName')]",
            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
            "tags": {
                "[concat('hidden-link:', resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName')))]": "Resource"
            "properties": {
                "ApplicationId": "[parameters('functionAppName')]",
                "Request_Source": "IbizaWebAppExtensionCreate"
            "name": "kv-event-subscription-and-grant-access",
            "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
            "apiVersion": "2019-10-01",
            "subscriptionId": "[subscription().subscriptionId]",
            "resourceGroup": "[parameters('keyVaultRG')]",
            "dependsOn": [
                "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName'))]",
                "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName')),'/sourcecontrols/web')]"
            "properties": {
                "mode": "Incremental",
                "template": {
                    "$schema": "",
                    "contentVersion": "",
                    "resources": [
                            "type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies",
                            "name": "[concat(parameters('keyVaultName'), '/add')]",
                            "apiVersion": "2019-09-01",
                            "properties": {
                                "accessPolicies": [
                                        "tenantId": "[subscription().tenantId]",
                                        "objectId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName')),'2019-08-01', 'Full').identity.principalId]",
                                        "permissions": {
                                            "secrets": [
                            "type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/providers/eventSubscriptions",
                            "apiVersion": "2020-01-01-preview",
                            "name": "[concat(parameters('keyVaultName'),'/Microsoft.EventGrid/',variables('eventSubscriptionName'))]",
                            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
                            "properties": {
                                "destination": {
                                    "endpointType": "AzureFunction",
                                    "properties": {
                                        "maxEventsPerBatch": 1,
                                        "preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes": 64,
                                        "resourceId": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName')),'/functions/AKVStorageRotation')]"
                                "filter": {
                                    "subjectBeginsWith": "[parameters('secretName')]",
                                    "subjectEndsWith": "[parameters('secretName')]",
                                    "includedEventTypes": [ "Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry" ]

            "name": "storage-grant-access",
            "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
            "apiVersion": "2019-10-01",
            "subscriptionId": "[subscription().subscriptionId]",
            "resourceGroup": "[parameters('storageAccountRG')]",
            "dependsOn": [
                "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName'))]"
            "properties": {
                "mode": "Incremental",
                "template": {
                    "$schema": "",
                    "contentVersion": "",
                    "resources": [
                            "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/providers/roleAssignments",
                            "apiVersion": "2018-09-01-preview",
                            "name": "[concat(parameters('storageAccountName'), '/Microsoft.Authorization/', guid(concat(parameters('storageAccountName'),reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName')),'2019-08-01', 'Full').identity.principalId)))]",
                            "properties": {
                                "roleDefinitionId": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/', '81a9662b-bebf-436f-a333-f67b29880f12')]",
                                "principalId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('functionAppName')),'2019-08-01', 'Full').identity.principalId]"

Add the storage account access keys to Key Vault secrets

az keyvault set-policy --upn <email-address-of-user> --name vaultrotation-kv --secret-permissions set delete get list

You can now create a new secret with a storage account access key as its value. You'll also need the storage account resource ID, secret validity period, and key ID to add to the secret so the rotation function can regenerate the key in the storage account.

az storage account show -n vaultrotationstorage

List the storage account access keys so you can get the key values:

az storage account keys list -n vaultrotationstorage

Add secret to key vault with validity period for 60 days, storage account resource ID, and for demonstration purpose to trigger rotation immediately set expiration date to tomorrow. Run this command, using your retrieved values for key1Value and storageAccountResourceId:b

$tomorrowDate = (get-date).AddDays(+1).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
az keyvault secret set --name storageKey --vault-name vaultrotation-kv --value <key1Value> --tags "CredentialId=key1" "ProviderAddress=<storageAccountResourceId>" "ValidityPeriodDays=60" --expires $tomorrowDate

This secret will trigger SecretNearExpiry event within several minutes. This event will in turn trigger the function to rotate the secret with expiration set to 60 days. In that configuration, 'SecretNearExpiry' event would be triggered every 30 days (30 days before expiry) and rotation function will alternate rotation between key1 and key2.

You can verify that access keys have regenerated by retrieving the storage account key and the Key Vault secret and compare them.

Use this command to get the secret information:

az keyvault secret show --vault-name vaultrotation-kv --name storageKey

Notice that CredentialId is updated to the alternate keyName and that value is regenerated:

Retrieve the access keys to compare the values:

az storage account keys list -n vaultrotationstorage 

Notice that value of the key is same as secret in key vault:

More info here:

Last updated