In the Terratest example below, a function is created to test the creation of an Azure storage account in a resource group, and a container in the storage account, then verifies that the storage account and container exist. The resources are then cleaned up after the test is complete.
package testimport ("context""fmt""testing""time""""""""")func TestAzureStorageAccount(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel()// Set the Azure subscription ID and resource group where the Storage Account will be created uniqueID := random.UniqueId() subscriptionID := "YOUR_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" resourceGroupName := fmt.Sprintf("test-rg-%s", uniqueID)// Create the resource group azure.CreateResourceGroup(t, resourceGroupName,"uksouth")// Set the Storage Account name and create the account accountName := fmt.Sprintf("teststorage%s", uniqueID) accountType := storage.StandardZRS location := "uksouth" account := azure.CreateStorageAccount(t, subscriptionID, resourceGroupName, accountName, accountType, location)// Create a container in the Storage Account ctx := context.Background() client, err := storage.NewBasicClient(accountName, azure.GenerateAccountKey(t, accountName))if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to create Storage Account client: %v", err) } service := client.GetBlobService() containerName := fmt.Sprintf("testcontainer%s", uniqueID)if _, err := service.CreateContainer(ctx, containerName, nil); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to create container: %v", err) }// Check if the container exists testing.WaitForTerraform(ctx, terraformOptions, nil)// Cleanup resources defer azure.DeleteResourceGroup(t, resourceGroupName)}
Unit Testing
Unit testing involves testing individual modules or resources in isolation to ensure that they work as expected. This can again be done using tools like Terratest or using Terraform’s built-in testing functionality.