Azure Load Testing

The following YAML snippet shows how to pass the secret to the Load Testing GitHub action:

- name: 'Azure Load Testing'
  uses: azure/load-testing@v1
    loadtestConfigFile: 'SampleApp.yaml'
    loadtestResource: 'MyTest'
    resourceGroup: 'loadtests-rg'
    secrets: |
        "name": "appToken",
        "value": "${{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}"

The following YAML snippet shows how to pass the secret to the Azure Pipelines task:

- task: AzureLoadTest@1
    azureSubscription: 'MyAzureLoadTestingRG'
    loadTestConfigFile: 'SampleApp.yaml'
    loadTestResource: 'MyTest'
    resourceGroup: 'loadtests-rg'
    secrets: |
          "name": "appToken",
          "value": "$(mySecret)"

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