For instance, installing the chart in a dedicated namespace:
Install in a Dedicated Namespace
kubectlcreatenstraefik-v2# Install in the namespace "traefik-v2"helminstall--namespace=traefik-v2 \traefiktraefik/traefik
Exposing the Traefik dashboard
This HelmChart does not expose the Traefik dashboard by default, for security concerns. Thus, there are multiple ways to expose the dashboard. For instance, the dashboard access could be achieved through a port-forward:
# http routing sectionhttp:routers:# Define a connection between requests and servicesto-whoami:rule:"Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/whoami/`)"# If the rule matches, applies the middlewaremiddlewares: - test-user# If the rule matches, forward to the whoami service (declared below)service:whoamimiddlewares:# Define an authentication mechanismtest-user:basicAuth:users: - test:$apr1$H6uskkkW$IgXLP6ewTrSuBkTrqE8wj/services:# Define how to reach an existing service on our infrastructurewhoami:loadBalancer:servers: - url:http://private/whoami-service