SED (short for Stream Editor) is a Unix-based command-line tool for processing text files. It is designed to perform non-interactive text transformations on a file or standard input/output stream. In this wiki page, we will provide an introduction to SED and how it can be used in Azure deployment pipelines.

Introduction to SED

SED is a powerful text processing tool that can be used to edit, transform, and manipulate text files. It is a non-interactive tool, meaning it operates on data without user interaction. SED works by reading input data line by line, applying user-defined commands to each line, and then printing the result to the output stream.

SED commands use a simple syntax that consists of an address range (specifying which lines to process), a command (specifying what action to perform), and an optional flag (modifying the behavior of the command). SED commands are often combined to perform complex text transformations.

Using SED in Azure Deployment Pipelines

SED can be used in Azure deployment pipelines to automate text processing tasks. For example, you can use SED to edit configuration files, modify code, or manipulate logs.

Here are some examples of how to use SED in Azure deployment pipelines:

Example 1: Replacing Text in a File

Suppose you have a configuration file that contains a placeholder value that needs to be replaced with a specific value. You can use SED to replace the placeholder value with the specific value:

sed -i 's/placeholder_value/new_value/g' config.ini

This command replaces all occurrences of "placeholder_value" with "new_value" in the config.ini file.

Example 2: Removing Lines from a File

Suppose you have a log file that contains some irrelevant information that you want to remove. You can use SED to remove these lines from the log file:

sed -i '/irrelevant_info/d' access.log

This command removes all lines that contain the string "irrelevant_info" from the access.log file.

Example 3: Inserting Text into a File

Suppose you have a configuration file that needs to be modified to add a new line. You can use SED to insert the new line into the configuration file:

sed -i '3i
ew_line' config.ini

This command inserts the string "new_line" as a new line at line 3 of the config.ini file.


SED is a powerful text processing tool that can be used in Azure deployment pipelines to automate text processing tasks. It is particularly useful for editing, transforming, and manipulating text files. By using SED in your deployment pipelines, you can automate many text processing tasks and make your deployments more efficient.

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