The ARM Template Tool Kit is a new static code analyser for ARM templates created by Microsoft. It's an open-source PowerShell library that you can use to validate your templates against a series of test cases. These test cases are generic and designed to validate that your templates are following best practice, a little like the PowerShell PSScriptAnalyzer tool. The ARM TTK tests for things like:

  • Templates are using a valid schema

  • Locations are not hardcoded

  • Outputs don't contain secrets

  • ID's are derived from resource ID's

  • Templates do not contain blanks

For full details of the ARM TTK visit it's Git repository

trigger: none
pr: none

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'

- stage: QualityCheckStage
  displayName: Quality Check Stage
    - job: ARMTTKJob
      displayName: Run Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Tool Kit (TTK) Tests
      - task: RunARMTTKTests@1
        displayName: Run ARM TTK Tests
          templatelocation: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Infrastructure-Source-Code\ARMTTK-TestFiles'
          resultLocation: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Results'
          # includeTests: 'VM Images Should Use Latest Version,Resources Should Have Location'
          # skipTests: 'VM Images Should Use Latest Version,Resources Should Have Location'
          # mainTemplates: 'template1.json, template2.json'
          allTemplatesMain: true
          cliOutputResults: true

      - task: PublishTestResults@2
        displayName: Publish Test Results
          testResultsFormat: 'NUnit'
          testResultsFiles: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Results\*-armttk.xml'
        condition: always()

Last updated