On a podman/docker capable host:
1. podman pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9
2. podman run --name ubi9 ubi9
3. podman export -o c:\wsl\ubi9.tar ubi9
Copy ubi8.tar to Windows
1. wsl import c:\wsl\rhel9 $HOME/wsl/rhel9 ubi9.tar
2. wsl -d rhel9
A registration to awesomeness
In order to help us with the registration, Red Hat has the Registration Assistant. We will need to answer few questions and based on the answers, it will provide with the commands below:
# Register the system with our Red Hat username and password
subscription-manager register --username <username> --password <password>
# Set a role to the System
# It can be one suggested by Red Hat, or in our case, let's have "some fun", and set it to WSL
subscription-manager role --set="Red Hat Enterprise Linux WSL"
# Set a support level
# In our case, remember we have a free Developer license and the only valid support is "Self-Support"
subscription-manager service-level --set="Self-Support"
# Set a usage (read: purpose) to the System
# We will pick "Development/Test" for this first try
subscription-manager usage --set="Development/Test"
# Once everything is set, we can attach the system to our Red Hat subscription
subscription-manager attach