Projects and Repositories

Every source code repository should include documentation that is specific to it (e.g., in a Wiki within the repository), while the project itself should include general documentation that is common to all its associated repositories (e.g., in a Wiki within the backlog management tool).

Documentation specific to a repository

  • Introduction

  • Getting started

    • Onboarding

    • Setup: programming language, frameworks, platforms, tools, etc.

    • Sandbox environment

    • Working agreement

    • Contributing guide

  • Structure: folders, projects, etc.

  • How to compile, test, build, deploy the solution/each project

    • Different OS versions

    • Command line + editors/IDEs

  • Design Decision Logs

    • Architecture Decision Record (ADRs)

Some sections in the documentation of the repository might point to the project’s documentation (e.g., Onboarding, Working Agreement, Contributing Guide).

Common documentation to all repositories

  • Introduction

    • Project

    • Stakeholders

    • Definitions

    • Requirements

  • Onboarding

  • Repository guide

    • Production, Spikes

  • Team agreements

    • Team Manifesto

      • Brief summary of expectations around the technical way of working and supported mindset in the team.

      • E.g., ownership, respect, collaboration, transparency.

    • Working Agreement

      • How we work together as a team and what our expectations and principles are.

      • E.g., communication, work-life balance, scrum rhythm, backlog management, code management.

    • Definition of Done

      • List of tasks that must be completed to close a user story, a sprint, or a milestone.

    • Definition of Ready

      • How complete a user story should be to be selected as candidate for estimation in the sprint planning.

  • Contributing Guide

    • Repo structure

    • Design documents

    • Branching and branch name strategy

    • Merge and commit history strategy

    • Pull Requests

    • Code Review Process

    • Code Review Checklist

      • Language Specific Checklists

  • Project Design

    • High Level / Game Plan

    • Milestone / Epic Design Review

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