Tmux terminal

What is tmux?

The official verbiage describes tmux as a screen multiplexer, like GNU Screen. That means that tmux lets you tile windowpanes in a command-line environment. This in turn allows you to run, or keep an eye on, multiple programs within one terminal.

Installing tmux:

brew install tmux
dnf install tmux -y

Start new named session:

tmux new -s [session name]

Detach from session:

ctrl+b d

List sessions:

tmux ls

Attach to named session:

tmux a -t [name of session]

Kill named session:

tmux kill-session -t [name of session]

Split panes horizontally:

ctrl+b "

Split panes vertically:

ctrl+b %

Kill current pane:

ctrl+b x

Move to another pane:

ctrl+b [arrow key]

Cycle through panes:

ctrl+b o

Cycle just between previous and current pane:

ctrl+b ;

Kill tmux server, along with all sessions:

tmux kill-server

Last updated