GitHub Enterprise

GitHub Enterprise is a self-hosted version of GitHub that provides the same features and functionality as the cloud-based version of GitHub, but with added control and security features. It allows organizations to host their own instance of GitHub behind their own firewall or in a private cloud environment.

With GitHub Enterprise, organizations can manage their own repositories, collaborate on code with team members, and automate workflows for software development projects. It provides a range of features and services, including:

  1. Git version control: GitHub Enterprise is built on top of Git, which is a distributed version control system that allows developers to manage code changes and collaborate on projects.

  2. Code review: GitHub Enterprise provides a platform for code review, allowing developers to review code changes, leave comments, and suggest improvements.

  3. Issue tracking: GitHub Enterprise provides a feature to track issues and bugs in code repositories, allowing developers to track and manage tasks related to a project.

  4. Collaboration: GitHub Enterprise provides a range of collaboration tools, including wikis, project boards, and discussions, to help teams work together effectively.

  5. Security and compliance: GitHub Enterprise provides advanced security features, including LDAP and SAML single sign-on, two-factor authentication, and audit logs. Additionally, it allows organizations to enforce their own security policies and compliance requirements.

  6. Customization: GitHub Enterprise can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization, including custom branding and custom integrations with third-party tools.

GitHub Enterprise is designed for large organizations with specific security and compliance requirements. It allows organizations to manage their own repositories and collaborate on code in a secure, controlled environment.

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