Azure naming standards

Azure naming standards are a set of guidelines for naming Azure resources, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and network interfaces. These standards help to ensure consistency and clarity in resource naming, making it easier to manage and track resources.

There are several components to Azure naming standards, including:

  1. Resource Type: Resource types should be represented by an abbreviation at the beginning of the name. For example, VM for virtual machines, SA for storage accounts, and NIC for network interfaces.

  2. Environment: The environment should be indicated by a suffix at the end of the name, such as -dev for development, -prod for production, or -test for testing.

  3. Application/Project Name: The name of the application or project should be included in the resource name to help identify its purpose.

  4. Region: The region where the resource is deployed should be included in the name, such as -eastus or -westus.

Examples of Azure naming standards in real-life practice include:

  1. VMs: A virtual machine for a project named "MyApp" in the East UK region, for the development environment, might be named "VM-MyApp-Dev-EastUK".

  2. Storage Accounts: A storage account for a project named "MyApp" in the West UK region, for the production environment, might be named "SA-MyApp-Prod-WestUS".

  3. Network Interfaces: A network interface for a project named "MyApp" in the West UK region, for the testing environment, might be named "NIC-MyApp-Test-WestUK.

By following Azure naming standards, organizations can create a consistent and organized approach to resource naming, making it easier to manage, track, and troubleshoot resources.

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